FinCloud Ltd. Interactive Autonomous 360° Live Streaming Robot
StreamingOctober 8, 2019

Interactive Autonomous 360° Live Streaming Robot

Along with Etisalat, we participated one of the world’s biggest technology events, Gitex Technology Week in Dubai 2019.  In collaboration with Etisalat and Dimalog we presented our interactive autonomous 360° robot utilising Etisalat 5G network. Interactive Autonomous 360° Live Steraming Robot: Live 360° remote view High security Versatile self-na …

Nokia 5G 360 Live
ConnectionsFebruary 8, 2018

5G Champion 360° Live Oulu-Korea

The 5G trial will create a 5G connection between South Korea and Finland. The locations are more specifically the Korean Information Communication Technology (K-ICT) centre in Gangneung and the main library and Kastelli community centre in Oulu, but with the help of virtual reality headsets people can travel to the other side of the world, about 14 …

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